Book Review: The DNA of D6 by Ron Hunter

At last year's D6 Conference, I picked up Ron Hunter's book The DNA of D6: Building Blocks of Generational Discipleship. A lot of what Hunter has written resonates with me. The book is a battle cry not just for the next generation, but for every generation (pg. 6-7).

What I Liked

This book does a great job identifying the problem: If we are going to truly disciple the next generation, we have to start at home with mom and dad then supplement discipling them with the resources of the church. For so long the church has had this the other way around. We need parents to the primary disciple-makers of their children. In order for that to happen most effectively, the church and its leaders need to train them.

What I Struggled With

While the book did identify the problem, I struggled with the lack of solution. I understand that this book was written to wide audience, from different backgrounds, with different challenges. While I wasn't truly expecting a, "go do this" solution, the book left me with more questions.

The one answer Hunter offers is to have every ministry on the same page through the use of the D6 curriculum. While that may work in certain situations, it may not in all. It also seems a little limiting to both lead/senior pastors and ministry leaders.

As I continue to pray about the problem identified, my hope is that God will show my how to put together a solution for my context.

Best Quotes

"From the earliest of moments, kids take their cues from their parents. They are later influenced by others, but never to the same degree as the core values taught by dads and moms." (pg. 10)

"... rules should not trump relationships." (pg. 45)

"For the most part, a staff member's time is better spent developing people, not curriculum. Staff members find the greatest return on investment when they intentionally build into other people." (pg. 75)

"... there is no earthly expiration date on the Great Commission. While outreach programs have changed and will continue to do so, the one constant ingredient is relationships." (pg. 82)

"You can fail as a pastor, as a leader, but there is no greater fight than for your home." (pg. 117)

All quotes taken from The DNA of D6 by Ron Hunter Jr. ©2015 by Randall House.