Family Friday Links 9.8.17

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Here's what we've been reading online lately:

For the Church had a great post on faith and how the faith of the parents should effect their kids. It reads, "Be the kind of family who serves Christ together, prays together, speaks openly of struggles, and knows that the best help is a relationship with Jesus Christ." This is important for all parents to understand and practice, whether God is calling your family to move and plant a church or stay where you're at and serve him together for his glory.

Tim Challies had a post on nurturing children. He says, " A key part of heeding God’s commission to “make disciples of all nations” is to make disciples of your own children." Parents, you are the primary disciple makers of your children, this is your primary ministry. Pastors, we are to train parents in all that means and how to accomplish that.

Trillia Newbell has a new resource out that helps parents teach their kids about diversity. She wrote a post about this book for the publisher's site. The post reads in part, " If you want your children to embrace those who are different than them, then you must start with helping them understand that God is the Creator of every tribe, tongue, and nation."

What have found helpful online this week? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out.