Family Friday Links 9.1.17

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Here's what we've been reading online this week:

Landry Holmes had a post about perfectionism in #kidmin. He wrote, "Any strength taken to an extreme can become a weakness." He goes on to list 7 signs of perfectionism. If you are a kidmin leader, you need to check this out.

Daniel Darling recently had a back to school post. It reads, "No educational model can fill in the gaps for parents who fail to take their discipleship responsibility seriously." This post reminds parents of their responsibilities to be the primary disciple makers of their kids, even durning the school years.

Greg Baird had a post about parents and kidmin. He ends it this way, "When we cast a clear & compelling vision, create community, communicate value and clean up our program, we help parents want to engage with our Children’s Ministry." Whether your parents or pastors this will help the church help parents.

What have you been reading online lately and found helpful? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out.