Spread the Good News! Easter Craft Idea

Read the good news! Jesus is risen from the dead. A few years ago, a local graphic artist, Danielle Hammon,  put together this Roman Times newspaper layout as an art project for our children's ministry grade school classes on Easter Sunday.  

The Roman Times newspaper layout includes the complete eye-witness report of Jesus’ resurrection from the Apostle John (John 20:1-31 NIV) as well as the picture captions, “Risen from the Dead” and “Eye-witness Accounts.”

The project helps teach that Jesus’ resurrection is good news told by eye-witnesses that we should tell as well. The pictures and headline for the paper are left blank so that children can color in their own pictures of the empty tomb or an eye-witness telling the good news.  The newspaper layout was designed to be printed on 12″ x 18″ newsprint.  Click on the graphic above or the following link to download a PDF version of the newspaper layout then print.

If you enjoy this resource, you can leave a comment below to thank Danielle and let us know about any other cool craft ideas you have for this weekend.