Introducing the Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet VBS

Young children love to sing, clap, and dance. They are passionate and responsive. That's why it's so important to point them toward responding in worship to their Creator while they are young.

Worship is like a cosmic game of follow-the-leader—“Simon Says” without any tricks. It works like this. God speaks then we respond. God says, “I have restored your fortunes” (Psalm 126). Then, we respond with laughter, because we know we don’t deserve it. God says, “I am God. I made you. You are mine. You are my people and the sheep of my pasture” (Psalm 100). Then, we respond by shouting for joy and giving thanks for his goodness. That’s just how worship works. God speaks, and he shows us who he is. Then, we respond.

Every time we lead kids in worship, we instinctively call them to worship responsively—“Clap your hands! Sing out! Raise your hands! Shout Hallelujah!” But this five-lesson VBS and Bible club curriculum will teach four- to eleven-year-old children how and why to worship responsively. They will learn, through the life of David, who God is, what he has said, and how they can worship him—by coming to him in gratitude, supplication, repentance, and prayer. As children learn to hear God speak about who he is and what he has done for them, they will want to respond by clapping their hands and stomping their feet. 

Clap Your Hands, Stomp Your Feet was created by the church, for the church. Our team of authors and illustrators are pastors, Sunday school teachers, and stay-at-home moms who simply love kids and want to share God’s good news with them. As practitioners, we have designed a VBS Starter Kit to make it easy for you to plan, advertise, and implement a successful VBS. Your starter kit includes a director’s guide, games guide, craft and assembly guide, printables, and much more. It even includes a studio-recorded children’s worship CD and digital songbook produced by Sojourn Music. Purchase now from New Growth Press.