Friday Family Links 11.17.17

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Here’s what we’ve been reading online this week:

John Wells was over on the Gospel Coalition blog writing on the topic on how to (and not to) teach the Bible to our kids. He laments, “As a parent, I realized I’d failed to teach my kids the incredible story of redemption by allowing secondary moral lessons to usurp the primary message of Scripture.” He goes on to list four don’t’s and five do’s. Parents, this is a post you need to read.

The ERLC had a post that was close to my heart because I’m in the middle of dealing with it, on caring for elderly parents. It reads near the end, “The way we honor our parents now matters tremendously, both to the generation that came before us and the ones that are following after.” This post has four great reminders that we need to keep in mind as it comes to this topic.

Todd Jones had a post on the “Stoked On Youth Ministry” site on effective ministry to high school AND middle school. This post seeks to answer the following, “These groups are completely different. So, how do you handle the very difficult task of ministering to both of them?” If you are a pastor of these ministries, take advantage of this resource.

What have you been reading online and benefitting from online this week? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out.