Family Friday Links 9.16.16

Here is our weekly list of things we've found helpful in our online consumption:

Amanda over at Dirt and Boogers wrote a post about after school attitude. She give practical tips that will help parents avoid the attitude. She even gives a little explanation on why this is, "When things get hard, we fall apart on the people we feel safest with." Parents, don't get frustrated, help your kids as they get home from school.

Danny Franks wrote a post on volunteers and the reason they don't continue. He asking (and answering) the question, "Why did their eagerness in orientation and their wonder in the first week of service not translate to a return trip and a lifetime of volunteering?" Leaders and pastors, learn from this.

Russel Moore had a great post on men, and their addictions to pornography and/or video games. Moore states that, "Recent research indicates that millions of men are debilitatingly hooked on leisure." As pastors and parents we need to rescue men and boys from this.

Jason Allen wrote a post on leading kids to Christ. He started his post with this admission, "My greatest stewardship in life is not training a generation of students at Midwestern Seminary. It is training my five young children in the fear and admonition of the Lord." He goes on to list 10 tips that parents and pastors need to remember.