Family Friday Links 4.6.18

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Here's our weekly list of online goodness:

Chad Bird had a post and interesting take on Children's Church. While I disagree with the generalization, I think he brings up a question most churches don't truly think through. He wrote, "Children are not the problem. Adults are. That’s the first, honest admission we need to make: children’s church is not for the children. It’s for the adults." I believe there are ways to have both children participating in worship and have children's church; the problem is most churches don't realize the problems they create.

Jon Bloom was over on Desiring God on the topic of kids NEEDING a crisis of faith. He writes, "Coming to really see, savor, treasure, and trust Jesus Christ almost always begins in a crisis." He goes on to list 7 lessons parents need to understand as they parent their kids through doubt.

Our friend, Sam Luce, had a post on explaining the trinity to kids. He says, "The reality is the Trinity is one of the core doctrines of our faith. It is complicated, so a visual illustration is helpful for kids. In the past, I have used illustrations that answer kids questions about the Trinity but do so at the expense of mystery and what is true." It's important to help kids understand the deep truths of the faith in a way that they can understand.

What have you been reading online lately and benefiting from? Leave us a link in the comment section and we'll check it out.