Family Friday Links 3.3.17

Here's what we've been encouraged by online this week:

Craig Jutila had a post back in August last year (that I just came across) on "screen-time". He says, "Screen time can become an addiction if not regulated ... To be offline for a few minutes risks becoming invisible, irrelevant or worse, forgotten." While this is the fear, the reality is that taking a break from the screen is needed. He goes on in the post to list 3 helpful reasons why. We could all use these wise words.

Trillia Newbell had a post on For the Church on marriage. She wrote, "Marriage was an exercise of great faith, forgiveness, forbearance, and active love." Because of both our sin and baggage we bring hurt and heartache to marriage. Which is why we need the gospel.

The Crossway blog had a post by R. Kent Hughes on disciplines of a godly pastor. This list is worth the time of every pastor, regardless of particular position. This is a needed post for us all.

What have been benefitting from online lately. Leave us a link in the comment section for us to check out.