Family Friday Links 3.30.18

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Here's what we've been reading online lately:

All Pro Dad had a post on family leadership. It reads in part, "Effective leaders aren’t in it for themselves; they’re in it for the people and the mission." The post goes on to list leadership principles to keep in mind. Dads, this post will help you to dad better.

Children's Ministry Leader had a post on digital tools that will help your ministry. This post reminds us, "If you’re not using digital tools, you’re not keeping up with the people you serve." The post lists both paid and free tools that have to the potential to increase your productivity and communication ... which we could all use.

Club 31 Woman had a post about talking to daughters about sex and what not to do. This is an important topic for parents to consider. The list would work for both daughters as well as sons. It's a helpful post for parents.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section and we will check it out.