Family Friday Links 1.5.18

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Happy New Year! Here's what we've been reading online lately.

Greg Baird has a post on volunteer training. He lists 13 ways to accomplish this important task. This well worth the time of any leader of any children's or youth ministry.

Jason Allen had a post on leading kids to Christ. He writes what every parent feels, "I feel the weight—and glory—of this stewardship daily and find immeasurable fulfillment and joy as I see my children taking steps toward Christ." He goes on to list 10 tips, and they are valuable, check them out.

The Gospel Coalition had a post reviewing a modern, secular view of marriage. It warns against selfishness in marriage. The post concludes this way, "To marry is to give yourself away to find that you gained another person, and that your union exudes more life than the calculated transactions between two allied individuals." This is a valuable read for those married as well as those thinking about it.

What have you been reading online lately? Leave us a link in the comment section and we will check it out.