Family Friday Links 12.1.17

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Last week Jared insisted that we not put a links post up. He probably assumed you all were out black Friday shopping and wouldn't have time to read it. So this week I've got a double dose of Gospel goodness for you.

Our friends over at For the Church had a post by Michael Kelly about creating a gospel culture at home. It reads, "... can we ingrain the gospel so much in the way that we talk, think, discipline our children, or converse around the dinner table, that it’s part of our very fabric of living, and not just an occasional topic of conversation?" He goes on list a couple things that get in the way  of a parent's primary ministry to disciple their kids. This is a good read for all parents.

Our friend, Sam Luce, had a great and helpful post on protecting girls in a #MeToo world. He says, "We can’t prevent sinful things from taking place in a sin-soaked world but we must speak out and do all we can to prevent the coarsening of society and the denigration of women." He does list 5 ways we can do this. Dads and pastors this is important.

Scott Kedersha had another great marriage post on getting away with your spouse. He lists 4 reasons this is a necessity and links to 4 from a previous post. Has an additional link to another post on the subject as well as doing a giveaway. If you're married, this is definitely a post you and your spouse need to check out.

Don Whitney had a post on busyness and family worship. The post compares our busyness to that of Charles Spurgeon. This is a good reminder for parents and pastors that we aren't as busy as we think we are, and the need for intentionality.

Greg Baird had a quick post messages that matter in Children's Ministry. His focus was on each group that a Children's Ministry Pastor/Leader comes in contact with: the kids, the parents, the volunteer workers, the volunteer leaders, the church staff, the pastor(s), and ends with ourselves. This is a good post for ministry pastors/leaders to remember.

Our friend, Dr. Timothy Paul Jones, had a post on the history of children's classes in church. The link to part 1 of a 3 part series focusing on the "whens" and the "whys" of children classes. This is a helpful perspective that people who do family ministry (as well as churches) need to consider.

What have you been reading online lately and benefiting from? Leave us a link in the comment section and we'll check it out.