Family Friday Links 11.4.15

Here's what we've been reading online this week:

Our friend, Timothy Paul Jones, posted a video about the importance of the "bigger story". The video is about 15 minutes and well worth your time. In his introduction to the video he writes, "... until we provide the people with a better story, we’re unlikely to see lasting transformation."  Pastors, you need this message, parents you need to seek this out.

Another friend of ours, Marty Machowski, wrote a post about his new book Wise Up. He says, "Parents, if you feel like a broken record or brick wall that your kids seem to ignore, let Wise Up ask your children the tough questions on topics like welcoming correction, choosing wise friends, and following parental instruction." Parents, we all could benefit from reading this book.

Jennie Scott had a post on the For Every Mom site on the harm done when we spoil our kids. She wrote, "When we are too lenient or too indulgent, giving our kids too much of what they don’t need, we are simultaneously harming their character." Parents, this is something we all can be guilty of. This post can help us.

Gospel-Centered Discipleship had a post by Johnathan Williams on the topic of the blessings of family worship. He says, "A family that prays together, sings praises together, and enjoys reading the Bible together will inevitably find themselves blessed with more time together." We need to be intentional about the time we spend with our kids.

What have you been reading online? Leave a link in the comment section for us to check out.