Family Friday Links 10.6.17

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Here's what we've found on the web this week. We hope it helps and encourages you like it did us.

Corey Jones had a post on leadership and its challenges.. He says, " Ministry can lead you to a place where your motivation and drive feel like a dry desert, screaming for water." He goes on to list several symptoms of the soul and how to take care of them. This is a good read for anyone in leadership.

Aaron Armstrong had a post about the importance of kids ministry. He wrote, "People give Kids Ministry a hard time because it seems to be all about playing games, handing out fishy crackers, and telling kids to be good. That’s not Kids Ministry, though. That’s babysitting. Kids Ministry is about making disciples." This is an encouragement those in the trenches as well as those thinking about serving in this vital are of ministry.

Gospel-Centered Parenting has a post on how to talk to kids about death. It reads, "But Jesus’ weeping wasn’t a hopeless weeping. Nor does ours need to be. For those who know Jesus, death is not the end." Parents, this is a topic we need to help are kids understand.

Trillia Newbell had a post entitled "An Open Letter to Children's Ministry Workers". She starts off this way, "The majority of the time, open letters are meant as a critique. This is not that. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t even come close." This is a letter of encouragement. If you serve in any capacity of children's ministry, this post is for you. (... and she's giving away her new book away if you sign up in time, check it out).

What have you been reading online and benefitting from? Leave us a link in the comment section to check out!