Family Friday Links 10.23.15

Here's what we've been reading over the past few weeks. (Yes, for those who noticed, I missed last week. Sorry about that.)

Greg Baird had a great post on fatherhood. He says, "An awesome Dad protects his kids physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually." He goes on list 8 other qualities of being an awesome dad, go check them out.

Our friend, Sam Luce, had a post on how to make kids feel welcome at church. It a short and simple list that all volunteers (and leaders) should check out.

Kenny Conley wrote a post to for those who find themselves in tough ministry positions. He says as an encouragement, "Hang in there and push into the pain/discomfort. Perhaps you still have more to offer and perhaps God wants to develop you through a challenging situation." His list of questions to consider before moving on are worth your time.

What have you been reading online that we've been missing? Leave us a link in the comment section, and one of us will check it out.