Family Friday Links 10.20.17

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Here’s what we’ve found helpful and encouraging this week online:

Colin Smith as a post about fighting sin. He starts his post out this way, “As you come to know God better, you will become more aware of your sin.” He goes on to list 3 ways to fight against our sin. This is a great reminder for all believers.

Justin Buzzard currently has a series of posts on discipling your kids. In this post he’s asking the question of motives. What is your motive to disciple your kids? He says, “Desire is the one motive that powers biblical, healthy, sustainable discipleship.” Parents, this is a great series so far and very worthy of your attention.

My friend, Scott Kedersha had a post on the importance of prayer. He says, “Most of us desire to pray, but for many reasons (as shared in part one of this series), we choose to NOT make prayer a priority in our lives and relationships.” If you are like me and struggle with prayer, this series is for us.

What have you found online that we need to check out? Leave a link in the comment section.